martes, 3 de junio de 2008

the CAGE ठे काज LA JAULA

Step by step we were lossing energy locked up in a rotation without exit. There where could be our only escape. Innocent voices surrounded wanting to us to play. They struck the cage and they shouted our names. And they are convertian incessant weeping of desperation. One by one the uncertainty of our next stop scared us…
Poco a poco perdiamos energia encerrados en un ruedo sin salida. Encerrados en lo que podia ser nuestra unica escapatoria. İnocentes voces nos rodeaban queriendo jugar. Golpeaban la jaula y gritaban nuestros nombres. Y se convertian en llantos incesantes de desesperacion.Uno a uno la incertidumbre de nuestro paradero nos sobrecojia...

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